What Type Of Clownfish?



Hi everyone.
This is Spaz.

I bought him because he has a bit of extra blackness on his mid-section than a normal Ocellaris.
He was labelled as 'black clownfish' but he doesnt have the look of the black clownfish ive seen on here.
So im wondering if he's anything special?
Sorry the pics arent very good, he wiggles and wriggles all the time so he's hard to get a good pic of close up :)


I have one that looks like that too, but he has alot more black on all the fins, and a dark black area around the front bar. The lfs that sold him to me along with a "normal' looking "nemo" clown and told me the different colorations was normal in the clown family. Does anyone know if thats true?
I'm not sure if you can really tell the difference, the one with more black is much smaller and tends to not be as brave.


ok here are maybe some better pics.
1st one is Clemantine..she is the normal "nemo" look. You can see Tyra in the background, with the blacker fins, unfortunately the camera phone doesnt show the thicker black on her bars Grrr.
The second pic is a closer image of Tyra (the non-nemo look). So, are they the same kind of clown?
could it simply be that one is aquacultured and one is not? The lfs said both were, but who really knows, the guy is a real piece of work.



I've been reading up alot on the Clowns lately and it looks to me like you have one True and one False Percula. Trues have more black and are generally more tempermental.