What type of fish have you lost.....


Just wondering what type of fish has everyone lost.....over all the years of having SW tanks
1.Porcupine Puffer
2.Red Scopion Fish
3.2 Domino Damsels
4.Volitan Lionfish
1.Flame Angel
2.Mandarin Goby
4.Domino Damsel
5.2 Clownfish


lost 2 butterfly (eaten by purpletip anamone)
Lost 2 percula (eaten by Squrriel)
I lost 4 in one night due to Some kind of water messup (still don't know the reason, but the guess is some airfreshner stuff got into tank).
2 huban hogs, 1 squrriel,1 scopas tang
all these in almost 3 yrs. :mad:


yeah i forgot to put why i lost mine. Mine was because of ick and i didnt have any idea on what i was doing. added all those fish in a 55gal without cycling the tank over a period of 3 weeks. Had about 20lbs of LR and argonite.


MY dad has been doing this for 30 yrs so he has eventually lost a lot of differnt types.
But last summer we lost
a majestic, a clown tang, a bluethroat trigger and a coperband in one tank
another one lost awhite face butterfly and dot and dash
the other lost a minnaitus, a picaso, a fuscus
we had this visicous storm in the NJ coast last Aug and my block was with out power for over 5 days. I was so pissed off. We were the last block in the area. the time we were ablet o get a geneartor was too late.


Most recently I lost
Manderine - Big Hermit crab had a good dinner
2 Blue Spotted Jaw Fish - Jumped from tank
1 Blue Spotted Jaw Fish - Decorator Had a good Dinner
1 Chromie - Jumped From Tank
Tang & Hawk Fish - Ate Bad Shrimp
Damn it is sad when you put it down in front of you:(


we have lost 5 peppermint shrimp blue hamlet had an expensive meal we have also list 2 starfish one choco chip star and an orange linkia


Active Member
If it swims in a home aquarium...I have killed it at one point or another...we live and learn, and learning we shall continue to do. Haven't brutally killed anything in a long time though...hope it keeps going...

melissa v.

lawnmower blenny (ate by star)
clown (cat got him i think)
maroon clown (star was still hungry)
sand shifting goby (carpet surfing)
naso tang (got hung up in rocks):(
well this was an upsetting post:mad:
Melissa v.


fairly new so I have only been doing this for 3-4 months, I've only lost a maroon clown fish, cause of death unknown but likely came from stress and lack of eating brought on by my very aggressive yellow tang. RIP :(
WOW. I have you all beat.. SAD!! I definitly learned the hard way...
2 maderine gobie's
1 koren angel JUV
1 empoer angel JUV
4 Perc Clowns
1 Banner fish
1 bi color blennie
1 Kohl Tang
1 Harliquin Sweetlips
3 hipps tangs. ( NEVER AGAIN)
linkia starfish
sea anenome
my brain is dying now from the angel fish!
Lots of inverts
I'm sure I have forgotten something!
WOW that is a sad list!
I had ICH in my tank and refused to let the tank sit.long enough... Finally I set up a QT, let the tank sit..... now I have whats in my signature, everything healthy and happy for over 4 months now.... each added at different times...