What Type of fish is this baby fry


Hi, I was wondering what type of fish is this.....
and also
I only have a percula, blenny and an annemona in my tank.... Is it safe to put in ?


Active Member
It is very blurry and hard to tell.
IMO DO NOT put it in your tank until you have a firm idea what it is. Remember the other thread, where people said research and KNOW what to look for instead of doing that after? That is really really important. If it is not suitable, and you put it in your tank even for a little while, you should kill it when it is big...NEVER release it.


ok I found a bigger picture of the specie... I found its a French angelfish........... Its black with yellow strips..... And at the edge of the fins it has a blue tip....
I live next to the ocean and if I cant keep it I will return it....
I have also seen it on petshops around PR...



Active Member
You are keeping it with fish from the Pacific - there is the possibility of cross contamination with parasites and disease.
Besides, you have a tiny fish living in a tank...you think releasing it when it is larger will mean it will survive? It never had to "live" wild. I suspect most will die in this scenario, having never learned to survive in the real world.
PLEASE do not ever return it...that would be downright irresponsible.
Please RESEARCH good fish and inverts before bringing them home, as you have, IMO, a responsibility to kill these animals. The introduction of foreign species - whether fish, inverts or pathogens - is a serious topic. And aquarium hobbyists get A LOT of the blame for this destructive behavior.
Please do not do it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
You are keeping it with fish from the Pacific - there is the possibility of cross contamination with parasites and disease.
Besides, you have a tiny fish living in a tank...you think releasing it when it is larger will mean it will survive? It never had to "live" wild. I suspect most will die in this scenario, having never learned to survive in the real world.
PLEASE do not ever return it...that would be downright irresponsible.
Please RESEARCH good fish and inverts before bringing them home, as you have, IMO, a responsibility to kill these animals. The introduction of foreign species - whether fish, inverts or pathogens - is a serious topic. And aquarium hobbyists get A LOT of the blame for this destructive behavior.
Please do not do it.
Just like I was saying in the thread mentioned. If you are willing to take on local critters in your tank, keep it all local. If not, then dispose of or trade fish that you don't keep with someone you know.
My small coral 15 tank is the first one I have had in the last 20 years that has livestock that I actually paid for. And all my corals are frags from other tanks.


Hi, I wont release it no matter what..... I will take ophiura's advice and if I need to remove something from my tank, I will kill it or give it to someone that has a tank already.....


Also, I took this french angel from a huge rock with water where the waves hitted.... He was trapped and didnt had a return to the sea... I didnt even get wet to get it.....


My question is if he got it from the ocean and never put it into his tank wouldn't putting the fry back just be "catch and release." I understand that something that someone has raised in their tank should not be introduced into the wild and that pathogens from your tank could be introduced into the wild and have bad effects on the ocean, but if this is a case of bagging a fish from the ocean and inspecting the fish then whats wrong with putting it back? I hardly think it's the same thing as someone who picked a fish on impulse kept it in their tank for a couple years and then decides to put it back in the ocean when it gets too big or starts eating their coral.


if you had left him there high tide might have taken him back home, now hes your little buddy, take care of him


Active Member
Originally Posted by D.W.
My question is if he got it from the ocean and never put it into his tank wouldn't putting the fry back just be "catch and release." I understand that something that someone has raised in their tank should not be introduced into the wild and that pathogens from your tank could be introduced into the wild and have bad effects on the ocean, but if this is a case of bagging a fish from the ocean and inspecting the fish then whats wrong with putting it back? I hardly think it's the same thing as someone who picked a fish on impulse kept it in their tank for a couple years and then decides to put it back in the ocean when it gets too big or starts eating their coral.

If he never put it in a tank with animals or rock, etc, from another ocean...it would be OK (though I think a problem if he raised it for years). I never said that it was a problem if he basically picked it up to look at and put back in the water.


Active Member
This is some of the fish in my "local only" 90 gallon tank. Since this tank was established 3 years ago, it has all been local fish, inverts, snails that I collected.
Hopefully if funds allow, I will be converting it to a reef tank in the next couple of months. I have friends locally that will take my livestock when I do.


GrouperGenius, what type of fish do you have in that tank? I'm interested.
From the picture it looks pretty cool.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azul1994
GrouperGenius, what type of fish do you have in that tank? I'm interested.
From the picture it looks pretty cool.
From left to right: Spotfin Butterfly(Chaetodon ocellatus) Blue Tang(Acanthurus coeruleus) and Four Eye Butterfly(chaetodon capistratus). The others I had I gave to a guy from work who is starting a tank.


New Member
From the picture you posted of the fish in the bag, he looks very small. Aren't Angelfish different looking when they grow up? He looks like a damsel of some kind to me.


Originally Posted by Netopr
Also, I took this french angel from a huge rock with water where the waves hitted.... He was trapped and didnt had a return to the sea... I didnt even get wet to get it.....
Where do you live? Thats pretty cool to get a fish like that locally from the ocean.


Originally Posted by tmy880
Where do you live? Thats pretty cool to get a fish like that locally from the ocean.

Hi, I live in puerto rico..... I didnt even get wet to get it