What Type of lighting should I use


I have a 100 gallon tank with 2 starfish (1 Choc. Chip and 1 Sand Sifter) 4 clowns,1 flame angel, 1 blue tang. I also have 9 snails and about 8 crabs. I recently had 1 coralife 10000k bulb and 1 coralife 16000k bulb. I needed to change my lights as they were getting old. I could only find Hagen lights now. So I purchased 1 18000k light (Power-Flo) and 1 Actinic (Marine-Flo) Is this correct? Should I change the lighting back? :help: I just put the Starfish and Tang in 3 days ago. I know the old lighting was good for the clowns and Flame Angel


Yes it does look blue, If I get rid of the 18k bulb and put a 10k bulb in what would happen? also I am reading that these should be on at different times? I only have 1 timer and its all in one fixture. What are your thoughts?


Active Member
Ya, get rid of the 18,000k and replace with the 10,000k. What most people do is run the actinic for an hour or 2 before the 10K comes on, keep the actinic on while the 10K in on, and run the actinic 1-2 hours AFTER the 10K light turns off to give a dawn/dusk effect. It isnt necassary, but its more like what the fish would experiance in the wild