What type of plant should I get for my new sump/fuge?


I have my new sump/fuge setup as was wondering what is the best type of plant to put in there. I am looking for something that will filter the tank good and help keep the show tank happy and healthy.


New Member
I would deafanetley go with a culurpra, probobly saw balade or grape, thoes always seem to do well once setteled.


Staff member
Halimeda: Are calcium based macros. You'll need to be dosing with calicum, but if you have a reef tank, you will be doing that anyway. It will removes nutrients from the water as well as function as a haven for pods, baby bristle worms, serpant stars, etc. It is not weedy. When the plant dies off, it leaves behind a white calcareous skeleton which, in nature, is a viable supply for reef sand. Can't think of any reason not to have this in a refugium. It is a great plant, as well as quite attractive.