What type of reef friendly fish/inverts will help me control my algae problem

I have a big green algae problem and its sorta string like and very slimy. Sorry it might just be green algae idk that's why im here and that why im asking. I just recently added an anemone to my tank and it is doing great and to my great surprise my mated pair of clowns moved right in
which i was told they most likely would not since they were thought to be tank raised but anyway
.. What type of fish can i add to my tank that are reef friendly that will eat this algae also interested in any inverts that would be ok... Thanks so much for your help.
its probably hair algae, in that case depending on tank size tangs are algae grazers and emerald crabs, hermit crabs, sea hair slugs, lettuce nudibranch, well thats what i had used to get rid of algae but someone with more experience will probably chime in, and some of this depends on what you have in your tank as well as size, but the algae is also being fed by something in your tank so unless you address the underlying problem you wont completely get rid of it.


Active Member
The thread is worth less without pictures!
As said above you can't completly remove if you don't remove the underlining problem. Check your water parameters, lower your lighting secdule, do more water changes, and get some more flow going. What would also help is spec's of your tank. Need pictures!
Well if you guys have not read my other post i cleaned my tank today massively. To get ride of the algea and in doing so i must have broken or cracked the seal somewhere. After i wrote this original thread i went to the fish store and bought 100$ worth of stuff and when i got home i noticed water on the floor and the tank dripping and a good acclimation rate lol.
. Here are the pictures you asked for but i must take all out of the tank and i think im going to move them to a 75 that i have lying around. And helpful hints or ideas are welcome. I am not moving the sand. Going bare bottom i guess.



Active Member
Sweet, your tank doesn't it look that bad. I feel bad for you, leaking things suck. I was asking and pictures because of your avatar.


My kole tang and Sailfin Tang - Desjardinii do a great job of grazing on algae also a lawnmower blennie. But like most algae eaters it must be short for them to eat it.