What type of rock is used for base rock?



After pricing LR for my 125, it seems that stocking the tank with the recommended weight will get expensive. So i did a search on baserock. From what i read baserock will eventually become liverock over time. I was thinking of maybe mixing the two. I want to be careful what type of rock i buy to use as baserock. I dont want to get some type of rock that will harm the tank. I just started cycling, so i dont have any living things in the tank yet.
Does anyone have any advice as to what type of rock i can use for baserock?
Can you get baserock at a LFS, if so, what should i look for?
Does it matter if its kept in a tank, or can i just pick some rocks off the shelf?
I dont want to take shortcuts, but if i can get away with using baserock, and it will serve the same purpose as live rock (over time), then why not try it.


Go to hirocks(dot)com for some inexpensive base rock. It will take awhile to have the base rock turn into live rock.


I used baserock to start my 90 gallon. It was baserock from the Hawiian islands or what they call HI Rock. Even shipped from Cali it was only just over a $1 per pound and is the best base rock I have ever seen.
It is exactily what is desired because it is caclium carbonate based like any live rock should be and that is because it was at one time live rock or from the ocean.
Do a search on base rock or HI Rocks. I purchased mine on e-bay look there also under baserock or base rock.


can i use lava rock as a baserock substitute? I know the LFS has rock that is used in freshwater setups, but can it be used in saltwater setups, as baserock?


I would advise against it. Lava rock can have to many heavy metals in it.


Active Member
Around here they sell Tufa rock or Lace rock for use in SW tanks. I like it because it's light and doesn't displace as much water as a denser rock.


Active Member
if I were you I'd just get the rocks from HI rocks, I got 60lb and 50lb of LR for my 75 and three months after starting I now have pink coraline starting to grow on my base rock


my local LFS also had, what he called petrefied liverock. it looks like liverock, only its dried out. they keep it in a tub, and it sells for 2 bucks a pound. it looks like it might work, after it was washed off.
im not really concerned with coloration at the start of setup, im just trying to create a base for stacking liverock. i know that eventually it will all be liverock. before i invest in hundreds of dollars of liverock, i want to make sure there are no cheaper alternatives.


Thomas convinced me to return the stuff I bought at my lfs and I did the hirocks thing...it was a great move. Really cool pieces and even after only three months some of it is tough to tell if it wasn't some of my original lr. Tufa can have the same problems as the lava rock. Metals can hang out in it and it will kill your inverts and leak into all your lr and even the seals on your tank. Do the hirocks thing, even with shipping it will cost less than at your lfs.