What type of shrimp and snails?


Im shorlty going to make a purchase from swf.com and i need some advise...
...im going to order 2 percula clowns...10 scarlet hermit crabs...10 nassarius snails...a britle star...
...i want a shrimp and some snails...what would be a good shrimp to add to this mix and what is a good type of snail that swf.com sells?
...going into a 26gal reef tank...


I recommend a cleaner shrimp. I have 2 and they are great additions. very active & fun to watch plus they "clean" your fish of parasites which is very cool to watch as well


Active Member
Well I would recommend nassarius snails but you already are getting them, Astrea snails are also nice. I would stay away from mexican turbos because my personal experience is that although they are awesome cleaners they don't live long and when they die you have a huge dead snail to worry about that could mess up your water chemistry. As far as shrimps I like skunk cleaner shrimp because they are nice to look at, peaceful and it is interesting to watch their interaction with fish. You can keep more then one cleaner shrimp too which is nice.


OK so here is what i think im going to order for my tank from SWF.com...
2 Percula Clowns
10 Scarlet Hermit Crabs
10 Nassarius Snails
1 Britle Star
1 Cleaner Shrimp
10 Astrea Snails
...what do you think...does this sound good?