what type of shrimp?


i want to get a shrimp for my tank. what type should i get?
here is what is easily available for me
camel shrimp
sexy shrimp
or should i get
cleaner shrimp
coral banded shrimp
i have a 12g nano with
1-6 line wrasse
6 snails
7 hermits


Active Member
i had a CBS in my 12g before i upgraded. he owned the tank with the maroon clown. TONS OF PERSONALITY, mine gives the agressive WHAT WHAT look when i get my face close to the tank lol
I LOVE my cleaner shrimp. They are so cute and fun. They will clean your hand when you stick it in there and eat right out of it (they love me
) I have had the red ones (blood shrimp?) and they are mean! they chased my cleaners away and tried to attack me!


If you plan on getting a CBS he will own the tank. Everyone will have to take their cues from him, he runs the show. I have one in a 55g and he keeps all the other shrimp and crabs in line. Just like the other guy said, he even gives my the HEY, DO WE GOT A PROBLEM HERE, look when I get close or if he doesn't see me comming and I suprise him. If I do any cleaning or water changes he hides, What a baby!


well if he runs a 55g is he too much for a 12g?
anyone have experience with a camel srhimp? all i know is they are big.
and the only other shrimp i've seen in my lfs is a sexy shrimp. anything on them?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by dempseyjosh
well if he runs a 55g is he too much for a 12g?
anyone have experience with a camel srhimp? all i know is they are big.
and the only other shrimp i've seen in my lfs is a sexy shrimp. anything on them?
The sexy Anemone Shrimp is a fascinating shrimp that exhibits an unusual trait of swaying its abdomen back and forth, hence the name Sexy shrimp. This species is usually found among the tentacles of an anemone, but in the reef aquarium it will quickly find a nice coral to perch on.
Sexy shrimp do best in groups of 3 or more individuals in a smaller reef aquarium. These tiny shrimp will grow rapidly, molting about every 3-4 weeks. Although very hardy, these shrimp should be acclimated slowly to avoid any salinity and/or pH shock. They are intolerant of high nitrates or copper levels, and iodine levels in the water must be correct to promote proper molting.
Camel shrimp have been known to pic at polyps. Fire shrimp are beautiful but tend to hide in the rockwork. My peppermint is very active hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Camel shrimp - eat corals.
Blood shrimp - mean.
sexy shrimp - very small, needs a frogspawn, galaxia, or a hammer coral. (be careful when adding your sexy shrimp to your tank, when doing it, grab your shrimp and place him directly on the coral. If he goes off somewhere else, he will die.
Cleaner shrimp - very personable. Very neat and avid cleaner. He will clean parasites off of your wrasse.
Coral Banded Shrimp - Does not go well with other shrimp, is not fast, pretty lathargic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
Blood shrimp - mean.
I've never had any problems with blood shrimp

They even get along with my peppermints.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by GRabbitt
I've never had any problems with blood shrimp

They even get along with my peppermints.
Same here never a prob with both


Active Member
Originally Posted by mbnum2
Just got a CBS yesterday, 11.95 at the LFS
He seems pretty cool so far.
CBS as in camel back shrimp?


Active Member
Peppermints are great. I have a bunch of them. Sometimes they are reported to eat nuisance aiptasia anemones, so bonus (although I've never seen it). Cleaners and blood shrimp (just a variety of cleaner) are also terrific. But I really don't like CBSes. I had one for a while and it was very aggresive with my smaller fish. I've heard some say that it's "cute" and "like a game" the way they play with fish and other critters...you only think that until they actually catch your fish!


Active Member
Originally Posted by uberlink
Peppermints are great. I have a bunch of them. Sometimes they are reported to eat nuisance aiptasia anemones, so bonus (although I've never seen it). Cleaners and blood shrimp (just a variety of cleaner) are also terrific. But I really don't like CBSes. I had one for a while and it was very aggresive with my smaller fish. I've heard some say that it's "cute" and "like a game" the way they play with fish and other critters...you only think that until they actually catch your fish!
I thought the same thing about my purple lobster... $170 later, I figured it's not cute enough to watch him "try" to catch the fish, because he began succeeding. I returned him to the LFS as soon as I caught him. Now I don't put ANYTHING with claws like that in my tanks

...Unles it's an emerald crab
(they've got the coordination of a drunk 6 year old).


Active Member
Originally Posted by GRabbitt
I thought the same thing about my purple lobster... $170 later, I figured it's not cute enough to watch him "try" to catch the fish, because he began succeeding. I returned him to the LFS as soon as I caught him. Now I don't put ANYTHING with claws like that in my tanks

...Unles it's an emerald crab
(they've got the coordination of a drunk 6 year old).
are you saying your supplying a minor with alcohol?


I have to revise my last post, My CBS is getting aggressive
Now that he has molted a couple of times and I'm done rearanging the rock,he has started to chase my bait shrimp(I have 2).
I don't care if he kills them but i also want some cleaner shrimp and I'll use him for bait before I let him eat 30$ worth of shrimp!