What type of shrimps do u have


I'm considering purchasing cleaner shrimp but I'm trying to get information before I buy these little guys. I currently have fish only w/2 red and 1 blue sm. crabs.
What type of shrimps do you have?
What do they eat?
What should the water temp be? PH?
Can shrimps live with emerald crabs?
Can cleaner shrimps live w/other shrimps?
Do shrimp get along w/other fish? or do fish bother the shrimps?
What's in your tank and how are your shrimps doing?
This should be a fun topic & thanks for the infor everyone!
i have a skunk cleaner shrimp, they eat left over food that you put in your tank, (scavenger), i had two emerald crabs and they seemed to get along just fine, but the prob w/ that is they are both dead... don't know what happened to them. i don't think it was the shrimp though. i hear that cleaner shrimp can live with other shrimps and i am going to try here in the near future. Mine gets along GREAT with my fish, especially my tang... they great thing about the scarlet cleaner shrimp is that they like to hop onto fish (larger ones like tangs and angelfish) and clean them... the fish allow them to and it interesting to see... i have a 55g FOWLR and my shrimp does fine, molting every once and a while(shedding exoskeleton) did it TWICE this week... i highly recommend the Scarlett/Skunk cleaner shrimp b/c they are interesting, they help clean, and help to get rid of those pesty parasites. ICK/ICH <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" />
Oh yeah... i don't think most fish bother them (maybe predatory ones) but most don't b/c they use their long antennaes to keep the fish at bay if they get too close.
I made mistake of putting Coral Branded Shimp with other shrimp. The others slowly disappeared. CBS is a great critter but not with other shrimp!


Active Member
Cleaner shrimp
He eats food that is given to the fish including flakes, frozen, and live. As far as cleaning goes I have only seen him on my tang.
My temp is almost always between 80 - 84. PH I try to keep at 8.2.
I have 2 emerald crabs and no problems with the mix of crabs and the shrimp.
I think it depends on the other shrimp. As mentioned above I have heard from others that CBS can be very aggressive.
None of my fish bother the shrimp(tang,clowns,royal gramma,bleenies,cardinal. But there are some fish that will make a meal out of a shrimp.
Other then what is mentioned above I have red and blue leg hermits along with various corals, LR, and LS.


I have a CBS in my show tank, feed her mysis or brine shrimp. Hand feed her. She's a pesky little devil. Now, if my hand is in the tank next to her rock, she'll climb on my hand trying to scare me away and sometimes she cleans me. Did you know that CBS are cleaner shrimp in the wild?
I have a cleaner shrimp in my quarentine tank that I hand feed the same stuff. Cool shrimp. When I get into the room, the shrimp comes out from hiding and gets to the rock furthest forward and tries to get my attention.
I like my camelbacks a lot, very very tough little fellas. Not very active but is without a doubt very hardy. Salinity stays in the 1.022-24 range, I had a cleaner but it died and no one knows how.

sinner's girl

had 10 peppermint shrimp, 1 CBS, and 1 camelback. The CBS ate most of the peppermints...the power being out for a few hours killed the rest of the peppermints, the Serpent star ate the CBS. now we just have the Camelback.
cbs's eat peppermint shrimp, peppermints eat apastia (sp). camelback eat whatever (CBS and camel will eat shrimp from wal-mart that I give to the other inverts.)
CBS didn't like creature near him, left the fish alone...but if the clown swam too close he looked like he would do something. Would get another CBS though, cool little punks...add character...

tru conch

Active Member
i have three peppermints, they dont bother anything except my antispa (which is good). aside from the antispa i have seen them grabbing bits of chopped up shrimp and eating them. i do have an emerald crab/hermits, and they all get along.
i did have a cbs, with out any other shrimp, just the crabs. no problems there either. hth


Active Member
I have 3 cleaners
1 peppermint
2 camel back
and 1 CBS. I wouldn't reccommmend putting the CBS with any other shrimp, they will get along sometimes though. I feed my shrimp live bloodworms, frozen brine and they scavenge around the bottom of the tank too. I keep my pH between 8.0-8.2 and the shrimp get along great with the fish I have. I have had all the shrimp since I started the saltwater hobby.

richard rendos

Active Member
I have a cleaner in with peppermints in one tank, and a blood shrimp in with peppermints in another. All of them seem to get along fine together. They eat anything they are offered. They get along with all my fish, and fish don't pick on them. I did have a coral banded shrimp a while back, but removed him. He was attacking my chromis and other shrimps/inverts. Tanks are 78F and pH is 8.2 to 8.4.


i have a gold cbs,hes cool,hes 'bout an inch 1/2
love the guy,he chases the brine around and is a good scavenger,then again hes in a 10 gallon