What Type of Tangs in 180Gallon


Active Member
What variety of tangs would you guys recommend in a 180 gallon tank (6'x2'x2').
Right now I have a powder blue, and DEFINITELY have to have a yellow tang. SO besides those two what can I throw in a 180? (it's a reef tank)
I'm really in love w/ Achiles Tang by the way


Active Member
I have hippos, sailfin, purple, yellows and a kole in mine. Nearly three years together.


Well, you qualify for the clown tang and also the sohal. There really aren't any that I can think of that you CAN'T have. Just make sure to keep an eye on your over all bio-load. I don't know how many inches per gallon you want but don't forget that it's a factor.
180...man, I wish it ere me.


In a tank that large, you shouldn't have much of a problem adding various tangs. However.. be careful not to add too many fish too fast.. this causeing a spike in the bio load and every one gets ich and dies. One caution: always be aware of the "Shapes" of the fish you are adding. Avoid two fish of the same relative shape.. an example would be.. avoid a yellow tang if you have a purple tang, becuase they have the same body shape and may fight... also, if your fish appear to be having teritorial problems.. break the rock down and restack it. This will force the fish to claim new territories, and generally get everyone to play nice.


Active Member
I'm not a big fan of purple tangs.
I heard Achiles Tangs are tough to keep, but I"m going to try my best to have one in my tank. Also love the Sohal Tangs.
So the yellow, achiles, and sohal are a must have for me :)
As far as having a few of the same type of fish, which ones should I avoid? I've seen some tanks with 3-5 Yellow Tangs inside. Are there Tangs that more than one is not recommended?