WHat type of worms do I have?


New Member
Tank background: 30 gal Hospital tank, home of several 4 striped damsels. I havent checked tank levels in awhile do in part to the fact that i have about 25 star fish growing in it and i dont want to change a thing..i keep the salinity the same but i do not clean it at all. and its been like this for several months but the starfish are thriving about the size of dimes... so i leave as is.
But the starfish are not the only thing thriving in the tank. It is crawling with worms hundreds of them. and my wife is starting to have nightmares about them. I have a photo but it is blury. They look like a a centipede, redish brown in color and the smaller ones live just below the surface of the substrate (crushed coral over sand). the lager ones have been found under the live rock or in empty shells.
Any ideas as to there identity?
What might I buy that will feed on them but not eat my starfish?


Active Member
The stars sound like asternias.
The worms may be bristle worms. They are scavengers and eat almost anything dead. They will not go after your stars, unless they are already dieing.