what would be a good addition to a 12gal??



Originally Posted by sepulatian
You are over stocked now.
I agree with Sep. You need to slow down. SW tanks are a great hobby but you need to slow down. You have started around some thirty odd treads in the past month. Research first before you start a new tank. This is an expensive hobby, be sure you know what you are getting into!!!!!!! Research.

brad pitt

Originally Posted by LSU
I agree with Sep. You need to slow down. SW tanks are a great hobby but you need to slow down. You have started around some thirty odd treads in the past month. Research first before you start a new tank. This is an expensive hobby, be sure you know what you are getting into!!!!!!! Research.
i know how to set it up i have one going -__- in a YEAR or SO i will get ANOTHER ONE. my QUESTION is WHAT will be some good fish to ADD.I NEVER SAID I WAS GOING TO ADD ANYTHING TO THE TANK I HAVE NOW. in a YEAR i will know everything there is too know and also that is y i am asking so many questions to learn more and saltwaterfish.com is a great source of info. i think it is THE best place 4 info.
+ i bought like 6 books today i will start reading l8ter ++ i am only 15!! im still learning
and what do u mean with "ODD" threads? all i have been asking is questions, THAT IS A FORM OF RESEARCH!!! im on the com about 4 hours a day ONLY getting new info.
you are a mean person!


Active Member
ya dude all you guys do is bag on him mby that tank was real maby it wasnt youll never know leave him alone...
some good fish would be
for a 14gallon
since you already have clowns
I would do a pair of bangaiis and a small goby
MAYBE! a dwarf angel
then like 1 or 2 small fish
cuc is
5-4 peppermint
1 cleaner shrimp
1 or 2 conches

brad pitt

Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
ya dude all you guys do is bag on him mby that tank was real maby it wasnt youll never know leave him alone...
some good fish would be
for a 14gallon
since you already have clowns
I would do a pair of bangaiis and a small goby
MAYBE! a dwarf angel
then like 1 or 2 small fish
cuc is
5-4 peppermint
1 cleaner shrimp
1 or 2 conches
thank you. you are the nicest person on this site!

u can keep an angel in a 24 gal?


Active Member
Hi there, if you are deciding on a 12 gal or 24 gal go for the 24. You will be able to put a bit more in it.
As for the Angelfish, I had a Coral Beauty in my 25 gal, all it did was swim back and forth and drive me nuts. I think they need a bigger tank, that would be the same for a Lemon and a Flame Angel to.
But a Pygmy Angel would be quite nice in a 24 gal. They are smaller and would be better suited to the 24 gal tank.
Keep in mind that "all" angels have that possibility of eating corals, so if you plan on having corals just keep that in mind. Mine never did but they are a hit and miss .
As for the stock in that 24 gal some fish I would consider but don't put all of these in a 24 gal.
Pygmy Angel, Perc Clownfish, Firefish, Gobies, Blennies, Chromis, Cardinals
Just some I would consider, don't put in any damsels unless you truly want them. They get nasty and are hard to get out after a while.
If you are going for the 12 gal, then a pair of percs would be nice and your cleanup crew that would be it.
I have a 10 gal that has a yellow watchman goby and a red firefish. A note for the firefish, they do jump so you must have a good lid on your tank for them.
Just some thoughts for you. Good luck in the hobby

brad pitt

Originally Posted by Debbie
Hi there, if you are deciding on a 12 gal or 24 gal go for the 24. You will be able to put a bit more in it.
As for the Angelfish, I had a Coral Beauty in my 25 gal, all it did was swim back and forth and drive me nuts. I think they need a bigger tank, that would be the same for a Lemon and a Flame Angel to.
But a Pygmy Angel would be quite nice in a 24 gal. They are smaller and would be better suited to the 24 gal tank.
Keep in mind that "all" angels have that possibility of eating corals, so if you plan on having corals just keep that in mind. Mine never did but they are a hit and miss .
As for the stock in that 24 gal some fish I would consider but don't put all of these in a 24 gal.
Pygmy Angel, Perc Clownfish, Firefish, Gobies, Blennies, Chromis, Cardinals
Just some I would consider, don't put in any damsels unless you truly want them. They get nasty and are hard to get out after a while.
If you are going for the 12 gal, then a pair of percs would be nice and your cleanup crew that would be it.
I have a 10 gal that has a yellow watchman goby and a red firefish. A note for the firefish, they do jump so you must have a good lid on your tank for them.
Just some thoughts for you. Good luck in the hobby

ya i think i will get some kind of dwarf angel. what about wrasses? will they be ok in a 24gal? or is it too small?


Originally Posted by brad pitt
how big do they get?
what do they eat?
coral safe?
what other fish can i keep it with?
Yes, they are reef safe. They are not usually aggressive, although they certainly can be, it depends on the fish. Mine eats spirulina and mysis.
What other fish are you looking at?