What would be a good reef fish for my 29?


Active Member
I would like to get another fish to replace my pygmy that was lost like a month ago. The tank can support the bioload of another small fish. Everything checks in ok. This is what I have.
2 Clowns
Royal Gramma
Yellow Watchman
This is what I am looking at
Six Line wrasse
Another angel
Another gobie (Bicolor,yellow clown,...)


Active Member
Thats what I had in mind when I got the Angel. But I heard a story here about the six line going ape wild and being a HUGE pest.


Active Member
they can be a bit of a bully but if its the last fish your planning on adding you should be fine. if your looking for gobies jawfish are pretty cool, im not sure how much you see them though. i have a shrimpgoby and i only see him when i feed.


Active Member
I have a sixline in my 29g. They can be mean, but because you are adding the sixline last, I think you will be fine. I also love my clown gobies. My sixline is more secretative, while my clown gobies are always out. A pygmy would be a more visible fish as well.


He bullied my Pecula but never chased him down or caused major damage. Now they seem to get along well. He works teh rock all day as soon as teh sun comes up and is gone as soon as it goes down in his little bed of mucus. I found his night activities to be stressful cause he looked sick LOL. I love his colors,always a 50/50 shot at getting a nuisance fish.
P.S. I just added a Randals Goby and a Michaels Pistol shrimp and my 6 line beamed straight for my Pistol. I detered by feeding him.