what would be the best angel and eel?

j carter

This is my first time on the board: I have a new tank its been running 2 months its a 90 bow bow front 48 1/2 18x23 I have 50 lbs of live rock and 65 lbs of sltae at the bottom one big lion fish & 1 large catus coral coarl life lighting looking for a med angel or 2 if possible.
The fish shop in Kansas has a nice looking french angel eating great I may consider I like the Imperor ,blue ring,majestic,blue face is there any way I could have2 angels in the same tank the french with ? Would the french be a good choice med size 7 1/2 inch hardy or not?
I was told I could have a blue ring ,Imperor,or queen in the same tank or a majestic & blue face or french? if they were put in the same time?
also I'm looking for a eel I was told the yellow bannana eel was very hardy and nice to other fish or a snow flake not so nice? I was trying to find out some info on a viper moray the get 13.4 inch smaller eel What would you guys recamend one if any with a angel? and where to buy a bannana? I'm in Kansas City MO Thank you Jason


Active Member
If you want to keep angels in your tank, you may have to get rid of your coral. Corals and angels just don't match same goes for butterflies in case you were thinking about it. As for the angels you mention, your 90 is too small for one and you can forget about two. I see in your profile that you plan to get a 175 in the future. If you do then you can certainly keep one angel in your tank. Two would be too much even for the 175. Plus you are risking the chance of aggression with two in the tank. Pick one that you really like and stick with it. And wait a few more months before you add an angel in your tank since it's a relatively new tank. As for the eel, I have a snowflake and I think it would fit nicely with your 90. It's not overly aggressive.