What would cause a coral to do this?


I've got a really large hammer coral that just kills me to see it die..
For some reason the hammer contracted, the "wall" has hardened into a skeleton. It used to all be one soft piece attached to a rock but now it is two pieces, the hardened skeleton, and the polyps. The actual polyps have started to detach from the skeleton.
My frogspawn has also retracted into the skeleton, but it has not detached and been waving around like the polyps of my hammer.
Is there any chance of either coral recovering?
I don't know the parameters atm...so I was just wondering if anyone on here knew what would probably be the cause of this problem.


Active Member
without more info, its hard to pinpoint the cause. need water parameters and tank inhabitants.


Well-Known Member

Lighting would be my guess…too much or too little. Have you tried moving it to another place to see if it will at least stop receding. My Galaxia was doing this…I moved it, and it stopped dying , but the area that receded is still just empty skeleton.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Intense one directional flow will also cause this in a Euphyllia sp.

If the OP can get it to stop dying…will it recover, and start growing over the damaged area?


Salinity has been 1.024-1.025 every time I check. Temperature rangers from 79-80 degrees. I've had the frogspawn for half a year, in the same spot. And the hammer for two months in the same spot. So I doubt it would be flow that suddenly irritated both of them at the same time, in different spots of the tank.
Also, I'm not so sure it's a water problem. They are both in my 14g biocube. I changed the filter, washed the sponge etc, and did a 4 gallon water change, which had no affect on them.
The only thing I can figure i that maybe my bulb in the 150 watt HQI sunpod is around 8 months old.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cocoacf
Salinity has been 1.024-1.025 every time I check. Temperature rangers from 79-80 degrees. I've had the frogspawn for half a year, in the same spot. And the hammer for two months in the same spot. So I doubt it would be flow that suddenly irritated both of them at the same time, in different spots of the tank.
Also, I'm not so sure it's a water problem. They are both in my 14g biocube. I changed the filter, washed the sponge etc, and did a 4 gallon water change, which had no affect on them.
The only thing I can figure i that maybe my bulb in the 150 watt HQI sunpod is around 8 months old.
N something else going on here. Can you give us the actual readings for;


so when the heads fall off, can they or will they grow a new skeloton? or would it be best just to toss them out?