what would happpen if i


Active Member
put 2 juv maroon clowns together? there really bright red and look very interesting. i just want to her ur opinions on the outcome of them. theres 2 juv maroon clowns in the same tank at my LFS and seem to swim close by each other


Active Member
:help: :happyfish :help: would i be able to put a yellow tank and a maroon clown in a 20g tank?


on the maroon clown subject i put 2 maroons together at different times and they havent fought yet. what i did was get the second one and he was bigger than the existing one and they havent ever fought


Active Member
thanks, since the maroon clowns are a little cheaper than the percs, does that mean there not as hardy or are they hardier? i just wanted to try a diff clown fish


WELL i can get percs for 21 and maroons for 35 but ive only had maroons once and no deaths but had pers and they died but it was ich and since the replaxcements no deaths


Active Member
hmm down in FL my maroons are 10$ and tank raised perc 17$ and true 25$. all my tank raised have died, i saw some sweet looking maroon one at my LFS. they were electric bright red with black. u have aol or a messanger i can talk to u on? my screen name is pimpsk8er3703.


I will quote from Concientious Marine Aqaurist: "Maroon Clownfish... another excellent species, but best kept as mated pairs or a single clownfish." The two at the LFS are probably mated if they're swimming along together. Maroon clowns grow larger than other clowns, IIRC.
And I haven't been on the board long but I've already heard of the "Tang Police". I think it would outgrow your tank quickly.


Active Member
so u think i should just get 1 maroon clown alone or 2 if there paired, i dont seem to have any luck with reg tank raised clowns..


Active Member

Originally posted by wocka
:help: :happyfish :help: would i be able to put a yellow tank and a maroon clown in a 20g tank?

No yellow tang. They need at least a 75 gallon tank. Even if it is really really really really small right now, it will outgrow your 20 before you know it.
Originally posted by adhoc

The two at the LFS are probably mated if they're swimming along together.

Why do you say that? A mated pair means that they have mated, or bred, in the past. Just because they swim together doesn't mean that has happened. They would swim together before mating too.


Active Member
at one of my LFS theres 2 maroon clowns swimming side by side in the same tank, about 10g. at my other LFS theres 2 maroon clowns and they have much better coloring. but there not in the same tank. have any advice on witch ones i should choose? or can i only get 1 maroon. im also thinking about putting a LMB when i get my new lights


Active Member
I did a quick reference search and found what adhoc quoted to be true (never doubted it though, good source). IMO, get 1. Reasons being: 1) you aren't truely sure they are mated (like Viper stated), and 2) a single maroon should be in a 30 gall or larger tank. Two would be pushing it and taking a chance, IMO. You are aware that they are on the more aggressive side and any new additions may get a nasty welcome. Though you shouldn't have many other fish, I would add the maroon last. Maybe pay for it and have the LFS keep him/her for now. JMO, HTH :D


Active Member
thanks for the advice, i was just looking into a diff. clown becuase the tank raised ocellaris ones dont do too good with me.. i finally got my last pair to eat pellets instead of brine ( took me a couple of days ) then i leave for 4 days and my anemone dies, big parament spike and dreadfull ich comes. so i pretty much came home do a dissolved anemone, 1 clown stuck to powerhead intake, and another in the corner. also, how come fish dont float when they die?


oooohhhhhh but fish do float when they die, trust me , you prob. saw the fish after it had floated and then sank. When you go fishing and all your bait starts to die.........they float.......and givein enough time they will do more than that............memories....:eek: bad memories....lol:scared:


Active Member
I don't think that they would always float. My science teacher two years ago said it depends on the pH and the temperature of the water. I think that is what he said.