what would you add when quarantining a fish


New Member
I have a 10g tank as a quarantine/hospital tank. What do I need to add into the water when new fish is being quarantined. How often should I change the water. I only have a AquarClear 300 with some cruch coral. What is the best way to set up a quaratnine tank? Should I always keep it running or just set it up when I need it?
I am appreciated for any input..... :p


Staff member
Well, I would have left out the crushed coral or any substrate. Substrate is an ideal medium for parasites, bacteria, etc. In a QT or hospital tank,you want to keep coniditions as clean and as easy to maintain as possible.
One of the most important things you need to add are places for your fish to hide! Decor is essential to fish well-being, especially new acquisitions or sick fish who are especially stressed.
I would also add a canister filter so that if you use this tank for medicating sick fish, you can clean it up after treatment with carbon filtration.


New Member
Do I need to add any solution into the water to avoid stress such as coppersafe or any other thing?