what would you add


I have a 55 gal that has been set up for 5-6 months.
I am looking to add some fish. Give me your ideas
Heres what I have:
40+lbs LR
5 chromis
1 six-line wrasse
watchman goby
scooter blenney
15 dwarf hermit
15 snails
5 nitrate clams
1 long spine urchin
2 flame scallops
1 sand sifting star
2 bristle stars
1 condy (Flourishing!!)
1 sebae
1 bta
pulsing antheliae frag


Active Member
You're probably close to being full. With that said, a clown takes up little space and has low bioload. I can't remember which one's prefer BTAs that would make a good choice.