What would you do?


I have made up my mind but would like to know how other people work.
Offered 6 figures to move 4 hours away from home. The loss: T-ball, basketball, school plays etc... with 6yr old son(except weekends). "Time is money" right, well not time lost. It's hard to turn down such a great opportunity but the opportunity of molding a young ones life is far more rich. I know people who have done it but I can't bring myself to even think of it. Just wanted to see how family plays a role in todays society(call it a personal case study).


Active Member
Well, long story short... I was making very good money at my old job ( a grocery store manager), spent very little time with the kids and their mom... I decided after a couple years of missing out on certain family things, not real happy in my position at work, and kind of getting a guilt trip from the kids mom that I would step down and look for a new job that would suit our family needs... I did this and ended up in a harsh separation/divorce with EX...
do i regret having time for my kids NO WAY!!! do I have regrets about my job NO WAY, I am in a better spot now... the EX is another story, perhaps a Dr. Phil thread...lol
if you are happy now and feel that the sacrifice of time with your kids is not worth the monetary compensation then dont do it... who knows perhaps in a year or two you may be making that 6 figures and still have the time with your children!!! do what you feel is right for YOU and your family...


Active Member
Take it from someone that has been there. I was a road warrior making tons of money as a computer consultant working independent. When my daughter was born, I gave it up to stay home. I took a permanent job in town. I still make 6 figures, but it's a lot less than I was making before. I don't give it a second thought. The time with my wife and daughter is much more important to me. I've still have all the toys that I bought when I had the dough though and now I'm actually home to enjoy them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangMan99
Take it from someone that has been there. I was a road warrior making tons of money as a computer consultant working independent. When my daughter was born, I gave it up to stay home. I took a permanent job in town. I still make 6 figures, but it's a lot less than I was making before. I don't give it a second thought. The time with my wife and daughter is much more important to me. I've still have all the toys that I bought when I had the dough though and now I'm actually home to enjoy them.
The worst thing you can ask yourself is "what if"....
We have made lateral moves (monetarily) of days travel, much less hours. KC to Riverside, Ca to Lancaster, PA to Oceanside, CA. Two of these were lateral. We have seen most of the US on business travel and made the most of it. If you don't take the offer will you always wonder what it might have been like?? :notsure:


I'd give up anything in the world to be able to be with my kids more. It's killing me. You just can't understand until they've been ripped away from you and then all you can think about is how horribly you want to go back in time to make a different choice, to sacrifice anything, pay any price, endure any pain, just to be with them.


Active Member
I have three children and I work a full time job and I start school tonight.
The reason for the school is so I can get out of where I am now and hopefully something that pays more and allows me to maybe have a schedule that allows me to be with them more.
I MISS my family.
I remember calling home just to get updates on my youngest.
$$$$ is never worth your family.
If you are surviving on what you are doing and ARE HAPPY at what you are doing, Stay.


I will have children. I will have lots.
And my cats do count. I love them more than a lot of parents love their kids. So there.


my dad made good money and didn't spend any time with us kids and we don't even know him all that well. He made a bad ass living and when my mom and him split we never saw him. He would rather work on Christmas and make over time than watch us open our gifts that i am sure that he spent a lot of time shopping for. Now that i am older I would have rather have been poor than have him miss all my soccer and field hockey games. He missed my prom, everthing. Take it from a some one who has been affected by a "busy" father, its not worth it!!!
P.S. when my parents split he became an alcohlic and we never really saw him


ddress, you can always manage your money differently to get what you want. You cannot manage your family differently.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
ddress, you can always manage your money differently to get what you want. You cannot manage your family differently.
Solid Tizzo!!!


It is quite sad but her is the story. My brothers and sister started to call me pete one day, i don't really know why but i am guessing its from the little rascals. If you can remember there was a dog called petie they I think named me after. It kind of looked after the kids and kept them out of trouble and that was me the oldest of four kids. Its quite sad because it stuck with me through highschool and college and being a young lady I was so embarrased at first but now it is just a common name. And aztecs stands for my school which i attend SDSU, goo aztec b-ball!!! our football stinks


Active Member
Originally Posted by ddress007
I have made up my mind but would like to know how other people work.
Offered 6 figures to move 4 hours away from home. The loss: T-ball, basketball, school plays etc... with 6yr old son(except weekends). "Time is money" right, well not time lost. It's hard to turn down such a great opportunity but the opportunity of molding a young ones life is far more rich. I know people who have done it but I can't bring myself to even think of it. Just wanted to see how family plays a role in todays society(call it a personal case study).

No chance to move the family to the job? As long as your current job is solid I wouldn't give up the family (especially T-ball, that is a riot to watch) time for more bucks unless you are in a financial bind you can't otherwise get out of.


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
I have three children and I work a full time job and I start school tonight.
The reason for the school is so I can get out of where I am now and hopefully something that pays more and allows me to maybe have a schedule that allows me to be with them more.
I MISS my family.
I remember calling home just to get updates on my youngest.
$$$$ is never worth your family.
If you are surviving on what you are doing and ARE HAPPY at what you are doing, Stay.
Now that's a sacrifice that is worth making. I did just that to get where I am today. I was in law enforcement and worked 4 to midnight while I went to college during the day to get my degree. I missed a lot a time with my son but I was in the same house and saw him the two weeknights I was off and the during the day on the weekends. Now that I finished college, I have been able to do so much for my family. Going to school is worth the sacrifice. It is a great investment for everyone.
Good luck and big
to you!