what would you do?


Active Member
I had one clown for a couple months and wanted a 2nd. So I added another about the same size. They got along great right from the beginning, but after a couple days the new one got sick and died. (ick or something). Then, of course, it got my other clown sick. I tried to treat him, but he died. I was so mad I said NO MORE FISH. (I have a 12 gal. reef tank)
I went months w/o getting another fish, but I really missed having a fish. So this time I bought 2 clowns at the same time. They got ick or brookynella and I treated them both and they got better. I've had them for a couple months now and they were doing great.
They started acting funny, trying to throw themselves on top of my wavemaker nozzel or thermometer. I posted a ? and it seems this is normal. Well, one of them threw themself right over my wavemaker nozzel into the back section and got sucked up in my intake valve on my pump and died.
Should I get another fish or just stick with one?


Well first off, a 12 gallon is NOT large enough for 1 clown and especially 2.
Second thing is you should put all new fish in a QT FIRST. Just my $.02


Active Member
The clowns I buy only get 3" as adults and the rule of thumb is 1" for 2 gal. I thought it was kinda small for 2 clowns but everyone told me as long as you keep up with the water changes (which I do) they will be fine.
I don't have room for a QT. You have to have them in there for a month is what I've heard. I bought a 2 gal. kit for a hosp. tank, which is what I use to give them treatments when and if they need it. I bearly have room for that, but I only use if for an hour or so at a time, then put it away.


I would stick with one it sounds like there isnt enough room in the tank for the more dominant to become the female so the fighting is making one try to get away anyway it can even its to a deadly spot of the tank.
I would also try to use egg crate or something to cover the opening that the fish went through so it doesnt happen again.


Active Member
My fish weren't fighting, they got along great. I'm not sure if they were trying to host on top of my nozzel or what. It's not an opening, it's the top of the tank. I have an aquapod and there are 4 compartments in the back. I can't explain it. I guess I will just stick with the one. I feel bad though, it's all alone now.


Active Member
Here is a pic. of my tank. See the back of my tank, it's not really the back, there are compartments back there with my hearter, sponge, carbon, pump etc. There is nothing for me to close up.


I am not saying they were fighting like an all out fight but as they get older one will become more dominate as it changes from male to female. when this starts it can get kinda hairy for the male for a while at times and she will chase him from where she wants to be at.
it might have been one of those type situations that it was just at the right place at the right time for it.


Zoie i think i know what you r talking about. I had this happen to me 2 times and to the same fish. He jumped into the 4th compartment to the far right. I tryed to get him out but I thought he might of got sucked up and died but what I didnt know was under those 4 compartments its like a long tunnel down there. Thats where my perc clown was. Found him the next morning when I was about to go to school. Took a wile to get out but I got the little girl out. Are you sure it got sucked up and didnt go under all 4 compartments?


Active Member
get a mated pair, and yeah, your tank is perfectly fine for two clowns... dunno wtf they're talking about.


Nygel ur right. I seen and Herd ppl have 2 clowns in a 12 gallon. Come on now. I have 2 clowns and a white ray goby and they are doing great together.


get a mated pair, and yeah, your tank is perfectly fine for two clowns... dunno wtf they're talking about.
Never said there wasnt enough room for 2 but I dont think there is enough room for one to take dominance without hurting or running the other out of the tank or worse kill the other.
so I would not add another with the clown that is there now. Its a big difference.


Active Member
i never personally have had a problem with two random clowns determining whos dominant and whos not in my old 10g, nor have i heard of many, if any, people who have that problem.