what would you do


okay at this point i have lost all my fish but one tough a-- blue
damsel. now my question to you is with only one fish alive after a bout with ick, i plan not to put anything in the tank till about oct 20. red slime is going crazy, would you go ahead and use antibacterial med and kill red slime and possibly all good bacteria on bio balls. start over so to speak, or remove all live critters crabs, urchin, star corals,etc, break down whole tank scrub , clean and start over. remove crushed coral replace with sand to control nitrates in the fuchure. whats the best thing at this point, have considered using poly-ox by kent to basicly starve the red slime. water change ,water change , water change, tell me please the best route. if you were me what would you do?


Staff member
As long as you have cc, you will have a problem. What type of lighting do you have?
BTW: You CANNOT put antibiotics in a tank with inverts, corals, LR etc. Antibiotics can only be used in a FO tank.


thanks i have a 96 watt blue and a 96 watt 10k white pc's
why won't anyone say anything about this poly-ox stuff. suppose
to remove or break down what the red slime lives on, so bacisly starve it to death. still need more help. thanks beth