what would you do


just was wondering about how to set up a small 7 gallon bow tank at my office by my desk. maybe just have a few damsels in it or a few crabs or something like that. any ideas on what kind of filter system for such a small tank without breaking my bank is that small a tank worth the trouble. it would make a good addition to my desk or just next to iy


I think a tank like that would look really good with a 1" sand bed, one or two nice-lloking pieces of LR with various mushrooms of different colors, a hermit or two, and a yellow clown goby, which are really neat little fish. Just a thought. :)


At the LFS i go to, they have a very small tank probably like the one you mentioned. This one is beautiful. It is a mini reef with LR, small corals and I think just a couple small fish like a purple head firefish and a clown. It has a prizm skimmer and mh for lights. But I figured this would be too expensive for such a small tank.


I've seen it done with the Eclipse table-top systems, but you may be able to buy the cheaper, similar enclosed hood-mounted filtering tanks with a PC retrofit in place of the standard mogul light. I'm sure with a little ingenuity, the cheaper models could be modified to make them suitable.