What would you get?


Active Member
I'm trying to decide which clowns to put in my tank. My wife really likes the back false percs. I want some onyx ones, but haven't found any that are affordable. However, I currently have a dark red almost maroon clown.

and I found another tomato, that is red, with a dark misbar that might be coming in. That I want to buy.
What would you do?


Active Member
I wouldn't be mixing. I would move the other clown to a different tank or something. I went with this misbared tomato. He is pretty cool. And really dark like his future wife. I hope.



Active Member
mixing clowns is dangerous. but if you had no other clowns, i would get 2 percula clowns and a huge carpet anemone with metal halide lighting. if i had tons of money, thats what i would get.