What would you like?


Active Member
making a list and checking it twice.
But, was wondering which fish some of you would like to see in the future FOTW threads
Please, any input or suggestions would be welcome. Including specific fish or general.
specific, ie. scopas tang
general, ie. tangs.
Please anyone with a desire to see anything, reply
As well, anyone with experience(real life) as well as general knowledge, that would be interested in doing one, feel free to reply.


Active Member
Thanks for asking!
Definitely something on tangs. It seems they are the most talked about on the board and there is "guidance" that's all over the place. Anyone with experience with a wide variety of tangs could help out a lot in the FOTW column.


Active Member
your suggestions are greatly appreciated, AND we will hopefully get around to all of them eventually. As noted, there are many fishes and at one a week, it will take a few DAYS. But we will keep working on it.


Active Member

Originally posted by cboyfan2020
are seahorses considered a fish?

no, but if interested, I could probably find someone to work somthing up on them.


Active Member
that would be great. Interesting animals. What are they? Encyclopedia britannica says they are fish. Actually here is the excerpt:
Any of about 24 species (family Syngnathidae) of fishes that usually live along warm seashores, clinging to plants with their forward-curled, prehensile tail. Species range from 1.5 to 12 in. (4-30 cm) long. Sea horses have bony rings instead of scales, and their eyes can move independently. They swim upright, propelling themselves horizontally with their fins and vertically with their swim bladder. They catch small organisms by sucking them quickly into their small mouths. The female deposits her eggs into a brood pouch beneath the male's tail, and the male expels the newly hatched young.