what would you stock?


Ok, so i am planning on a 96"long x 48" wide x 31 inch tall tank (roughly 620 gallons) an upgrade from my 110. 3 side viewable (the long sides and one end) Roughly 10000 gph trough systems total (15X turnover?)It will DEFINITELY HOUSE 1 full grown snowflake, 5 ich porc puffer, 7 inch V lion, 4 inch yellow tang, and 2 3ich blue damsels.
Now i obviously have some room to play... The lighting will be a little over 2000 watts for some anemones and other various easy to keep corals... and if i ever decide to go reef i can...
I want another eel, i REALLY want a hawaiian dragon, but i know im limited to what i keep with it. So maybe a banana or zebra(since zebra is a crustacean eater not fish) I also want 2 more tangs. I was thinking a regal and a powder brown (an be changed) Also a mappa puffer(small) The lion, although is beautiful, can be returned or sold depending on load and what it eats.. etc.. because it will get big and eat small fish... I want a schooling fish... either full grown green chromis(roughly 12) or blue eyed cardinals (full grown roughly 12) Also one large angel(imperator) or 2 small ones. Maybe 2 flame angels?
So what would everyone here do? It won't be until the summer if i start, so i'm just getting some ideas :) Thanks!


Active Member
You have quie a project on your hands, and an interesting one at that.
The zebra eel would probably be fine in there, since like you said, it is not a fish eater (however, anything can happen with eels). The two tangs you said would also be okay, the mappa puffer would be fine, and one angel would be fine as well (granted that your puffers do not nip at him). I would not do two angels, whether you are talking large or dwarf. I would just stick to the one. I probably would keep the lion and ditch the idea for a schooling fish, but that's just me.


good thoughts!! i forgot to mention i wanted a pair of triggers, eithe bluethroats or crosshatch. The schooling fish is just for show. I have seen green chromis that are 3+ inches and those would be to big for the lion to eat. But thanks for the response... any more ideas now the triggers are added??


Active Member
I would do the Blue throat, as it is less aggressive and less likely to attack a lionfish.
The 3" green chromis would be great in the tank as a schooling fish until the lion begins to get to be about 11" or 12" in size. I still think a nice-sized lion would look cooler and more impressive in that tank than a school of chromis or cardinals though. Good luck, nonetheless!


i was told that crosshatch triggers were the east aggressive and the only reef safe trigger??? (other then the occassional bluethroat, niger and pinktail, and sargassum) I agree with one big lion actually.. well if i get a bunch of chromis then he will have a nice snack when he gets big :)


Active Member
Well I have never seen a cross hatch in all my years in this business so I could not tell you from personal experience. That is why I would always say nigers and blue throats are the only reef safe triggers. However, your tank will not be a reef anyway, so why worry about? You already will have a puffer, lion, snowflake, so as far as keeping inverts (shrimp, crabs, etc.) that is pretty much out of the question. Corals would be doable without the puffer, but you will have a high bioload anyway, so I would probably just stick to making it a beautiful fish display.


thanks lion. Well when i get closer to the project i will determine a final set up. Thanks for the ideas! But i have snails and hermits now in with them, and all are accounted for... So i guess we will see as time goes on