what ya think?


In the next year or so I want to start a big salt tank. In the mean time, do you think I need a skimmer for a 29 gall fish only tank. I my do a FOWLR tank, that may work better, due to the benefit of live rock filteration. I'm not wanting to do any reef at all for now. That will be in the big tank. I plan on doing a FO or FOWLR for now, to get a hang of the water control. I know the FO tanks is a lot like freshwater, except for the water quality must be more accurate, cycling the tank and so forth. What filter should I use? I have a whisper filter, the tank has freshwater african cichlids in it now. Could I just clean up the tank, heater and filter really well with vinegar and use the heater and whisper filter? I know I should get new media and carbon...(new pergin)


Active Member
yeah you could do that. just clean the freshwater stuff up and get new media like you said and you should be fine.


o ya..i wont use any of my lava rock or sand. Im going to chuck my sand and put my rocks in a diff tank. Then I'll tare it down, clean the heck out of it. Put in the water, get the salinity right, add my sand..rocks and some raw shirmp and let it cycle. Then ill get a clown. Do I need a skimmer for this? I dont think I would if I dont have any reef stuff..if its just fish and live rock. Couldnt I put a few clean up crews in there?
Thanks again,


If you buy a fish that eats flakes or wean it to flakes then you will not need a skimmer. If you're constantly putting brine shrimp and other frozen food into your tank then you will need a skimmer. A skimmer can always be added later if you are unsuccessful in weaning your fish to flakes.


Thats a good idea. I'll be buying a skimmer, just dont wanna use it on the small 29 gall tank. Next year when we start the big tank I'll get a skimmer for a 100-150 gal tank. What skimmer should I get? I read that I should get one with a needle wheel...