What you guys think about this?


Active Member
We have two 29 gallon freshwater tanks sitting side by side. I'm kinda tired of freshwater tanks. Will keep the one on the stairs, 50 gallon hex, that one has been setup for many years with some kewl fish. We're gonna remove everyone and consolidate them into our other 29 gallon tank, there's not that many fish in the two right now, small fish. We're gonna remove everything and clean it up then set it back up as saltwater tanks. We're still gonna use two bio-wheel filters, one on each like it is right now, then use power heads with hoses to pump one to the other and back. Then get different light kits, MH, then gonna do a sump/fuge with protein skimmer on one side, that would give about 70 gallons of water. Then set the tanks with live rocks in each tank then aragonite sand in each tank and let it cycle. Then down the road we're placing corals in each, what you guys think of this set up? :happyfish


Personally I'd like to see you carry that thought just a little bit further, instead of trying to balance two different saltwater systems like two 29 gallon tanks, why not just get one 55 gallon tank and have that replace your two 29's. I'd be willing to bet in the long run you would be much happier.


Active Member
Pumping water back and forth won't work, you end up with pumps not flowing exactly the same and water on the floor. If you want to design a stand to put one above the other, you could use an overflow system to let gravity get the water from the top tank to the lower one, then use a pump to send it back up....
All this said, you would end up with a lot of bubbles (not good) in your lower tank.


Active Member
Could leave both tanks as their own system for the most part and then tie them both into the same sump/fuge below?


that's exactly what i was thinking. That may be the best way to go about it too. Or you could set one tank up, and send me the other one... just a thought


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Pumping water back and forth won't work, you end up with pumps not flowing exactly the same and water on the floor. If you want to design a stand to put one above the other, you could use an overflow system to let gravity get the water from the top tank to the lower one, then use a pump to send it back up....
All this said, you would end up with a lot of bubbles (not good) in your lower tank.
But if you over flow boxes and set the pumps inside the box and run from there, then you won't have water on the floor nor bubbles in the other tank, but I'm not sure if those all work or not, maybe I'll try it one day and see. Maybe I should pump from right tank to the left tank, then pump from the left tank into the sump/fuge on the bottom, then run it back into the right tank, circling around, but still like you've mentioned, unsure about the pumps with the amount of flow they put out. But still, this is just a thought for now. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishmamma
Could leave both tanks as their own system for the most part and then tie them both into the same sump/fuge below?
I thought about that too, but that's double the amount of water going into the sump/fuge, I would think it would over flow the sump/fuge, with two pumps pumping out water at the sametime, unsure on how that would work out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
that's exactly what i was thinking. That may be the best way to go about it too. Or you could set one tank up, and send me the other one... just a thought
They're for sale if you want one!

darth tang

Active Member
Since you didn't say for how much, I am assuming you are willing to part with them to a fellow hobbyist real cheap. I will send one dollar to you and you cover shipping. Deal?


...you want the cc? are you CRAZY????? and it's got a lot of crap in it... lmao


set up an over flow on each tank into a single wet/dry then have 2 returns with the same flow rate into each tank and you will be good. just think of the sump as the ctoss connection between the 2 tanks. it may be hard to get the same level in each tank but they will be with in an inch or so of each other. good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaEngine
set up an over flow on each tank into a single wet/dry then have 2 returns with the same flow rate into each tank and you will be good. just think of the sump as the ctoss connection between the 2 tanks. it may be hard to get the same level in each tank but they will be with in an inch or so of each other. good luck
That sounds like an better idea!!! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Since you didn't say for how much, I am assuming you are willing to part with them to a fellow hobbyist real cheap. I will send one dollar to you and you cover shipping. Deal?
Yea $1.00 Plus $200 for shipping!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
...you want the cc? are you CRAZY????? and it's got a lot of crap in it... lmao


ohhhh... i just reread this thread... i'm such an idiot!!! I thought this was the 'i just changed my substrate' thread, where everyone's offering to sell their cc... now i realize you offered to buy the tank, not the CC... what a dumb@$$...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
So you won't cover the shipping? What kinmd of buisness are you running?
Send me $201 and I'll cover the shipping cost!