What you guys think about


a 10gal minni reef tank. I was at my LFS and they had a premade 10gal reef tank. It comes with a small powercompaq light a filter LR and a few small corals and i think sand. He said "live stock" too but didnt say it on the sign, witch would be a sally lightfoot, few snals and 2 damsles. All that for 250 bucks. Im really thinking about it for my room. What you guys think good price or not? or think i can build my own for cheaper? Oh there was alot of LR in the tank, filled the whole back of a 10gal tank. Looked like just the amout i would put in it.
The corals were 2 small sun polps, few green polps on rock, and a few small muchrooms.
Oh and you get the water in the tank witch has cycled or so he said. Even then i would let it sit for a while.
So what you think? good bad or ugly?


Were can i buy one of these online the bigger one. i really want to know a price b/c that is the light that comes with the small tank im looking at.
<a href="http://www.jbjlighting.com/sys_clamp_on.html" target="_blank">LIGHT HERE</a>