Whatever happened to UGF's?


I used to have sw tanks 20+ years ago when ugf's were standard. Aren't they used anymore?? I am converting my old 150 to a fish only (with one anemone) tank. I was considering dolomite and a one plate ugf with 2 power heads and an Eheim 2028 canister. However, I gather that this is insufficient. Any comments or help would be appreciated.


Active Member
I do know that UGF's are highly frowned upon for SW nowadays, but I don't know why. I'm sure lots of other people will be able to tell you though.


Active Member
UGF's are detritus and nitrate traps. A tank set up to optimal filtration will have a protein skimmer and live rock (about 1 to 1.5 lbs per gallon). Also presenting the tank with detritus eaters and sand shifters or sifters rather then UGF's.


Active Member
We have come along way in the hobby since UGF. I too used them religiously with crushed coral. Now we understand and vacumning cc is not good as it will remove alot of beneficial critters.
Live sand cannot be used with UGF because it will get under the grates and thats not good either.
Todays standard method is
1. bare bottom
2. live sand
3. live rock and live sand
These are not in oreder just what is used.
Live rock is widely used now as the beneficial critters we need to get rid of waste lives in the pourous rock.
Good news though, the powerheads used on the UGF are still used if you have any of them laying around.


Active Member
In addition to sand becoming more popular, I think live rock was the kiss of death for ugfs. Can you imagine having to remove all of your rock anytime you needed to work on the filter?


Thanks (I think)?! I have this burning sensation in my wallet! I appreciate your help. You know the line about teaching old dogs new tricks!!


Active Member
There are two links in the external links section that has a nice article
Comparison of Sandbed and Plenum-Based Systems Part 1
Comparison of Sandbed and Plenum-Based Systems Part 2
If you would like to read - click my name above "ZMAN1" and choose homepage. Links are on the right.
Or Google "Feature Article: An Experimental Comparison of Sandbed and Plenum-Based Systems. Part 1: Controlled lab dosing experiments"
"Feature Article: An Experimental Comparison of Sandbed and Plenum-Based Systems: Part 2: Live Animal Experiments"


Zman, Thanks for the articles. I scanned them and then printed them for furthe reading. I really appreciate this kind of help and,by the way, I really like your 'simpsons' fish. Nice web site too. Again, thanks to you and everyone who have kindly posted their comments.