Whats a good bulb to use?

When my tanks get running again, Im going to try and venture into the world of a reef tank. Not heavily though. Im just using regular flouresent hoods, whats a good bulb to use? I've got those "power glo" ones now that you can get from places like *****. It says it supports reef life but I doubt it does very well. So whats a good bulb I should get to use in my current setup?


If staying with regular flourescent lighting, I would highly recommend the 10,000K Triton bulb. I have used it for many years. I would also recommend adding atleast 1 other bulb in addition to it. Something in the actinic bulbs. I have heard the the blue moon 50/50 actinic is excellent, although I currently use a coralife actinic bulb. When it dies, I will try to find the blue moon. Again, I have ran my tank for quite few years this way.


Active Member
I'v heard great things about the triton bulbs.I personally use coralife and uri's.Coralifes are available and affordable.I can't find tritons anywhere around here and I like to be able to get things when I nead them.
Thanks for the help! How do I add another bulb? The way my tank is setup now (the 50 gal) is I have two 10 gal hoods, one on each side.


I have 2 48" light strips on mine with a glass top. You many need to change your hoods.