Whats a good fish for 30g tank?


Ok I really blew it by not asking enough questions to the right people last time so I figured I want a better plan this time around. My LFS recommed a huma trigger first time out of the gate last time, and while my tank was successful for about 11 weeks, this bad information turned out to be my down fall. So now I think I want to go the inverts route and get a few fish that can all be happy and friendly. Ideas?


Active Member
There are no triggers that should be put in a 30 gal tank thats just mean!
I wouldn't go back to the LFS.........
Dwarf angels, blennies, gobies, cards, clowns....


Yeah Tim, I realized this to late. My lfs is clueless and its sad. The amount of bad info the gave me to set this up is going to cost me. Plus I was gettingreally attached to my fish. I should have thrown the flag up when I told them I wanted a cleaner shrimp and he suggested a trigger. I asked the other guy if that possbily could be right and he said that triggers eat shrimp...then the both just stood there wtih a dumb look on ther face.


your right about it costing more money , that's the name of thier game, it's best to ask people ?'s that don't benefit from the answers
gobies are neat
chromis very peaceful usually too
probably don't want damsels from the sounds of things


I have a gold crown Goby in my 40G. Keeps the sand almost spotless when he gets hungry enough.
Right after I scrape the glass he likes to swim up and down sucking the algee out of the water.
I have a baby yellow tang, a Sebea Clown and two damsels also. They make for an interesting combination. Aspecialy the Dottyback Damsel. She bullied the Clown and Tang when they were first put into the tank. Now all the other fish bully her. She usualy hides in the rocks until shes feeling bold then she will go out and play "Chase" with the clown.
A 30 Gallon?. Interesting. Presumably the LFS guy recomended that as a good "Starter" tank?.
I think you need to find a new LFS my friend.


I had the tank setup for 2 years with freshwater fish so I could learn, never ever had a fish die and life was wondeful, THen I moved to an apartment because of my job. I am planning a 90 gallon or plus tank once i get settled in my new state and by a house. For the mean time (2 years) I thought it would be fun to get started and just convert my old fresh water tank, buy a whole new set up, and try my hand with salt water. It hasnt gone to well, and sadly hte next closest lfs is like 30m away.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AngryCrab
in the long term, would a cow fish work?
No not even close. they need like 70+ gallons, preferably larger. There arent that many exciting fish you can put in a 30 gallon, take it from someone who's had one forever now. The nicest looking thing you can put in is a flame or dwarf angels. Other than that its clowns, chromis, the smaller wrasses like six line, bassets like royal gramma's, most goby's and blenny's. I'm sure there's more. Make it a reef, thats the best way to make a 30 gallon diverse. Then keep it and get a fish only aggressive monster tank eventually so you can keep the fish you really want to keep. Kills me I cant have tangs and triggers


I'd recommend a fuzzy dwarf lion. Very personable fish; mine always swims over to me when I'm near and she eats frozen silversides from my fingers. If you went this route though it'd be the only fish you could have. I keep mine with a zebra dwarf lion and many inverts in a 38g and I think it's a little crowded. Inverts include emerald crabs, sally lightfoot crab, coral banded shrimp, cleaner shrimp, and a purple lobster. Doesn't bother any of them, but they were already there when the fish were added.