Whats a good initial dip?


I went to my favorite LFS yesterday, and the owner showed me a dip to well dip the fish in before putting it in your tank, or for a long term quarantine type deal. But I can't remember what it is called, and it is over an hour away, and I want to get some tonight. It was a clear gold color, and it came in a bottle with a measuring system on the side. BUt if there is something else good out there, it will work.


I have some thoughts here that I would like to share on this.
Just dipping your fish and then adding to the main really will not do much to prevent illness. In fact it could add to the stress of the fish and maybe cause an illness. Even long term quarentene with meds are not necessary unless illness is present.
Best to quarentene for at least 30 days in a Q-tank for observation.
Feel free to correct me if I am wrong here.


You may very well be correct. But that is another thing I am thinking about, I want to set up a q tank because I am going to be getting a new tank, and want to quaranteen them for awhile before putting in the tank. But what does it take to set up a tank like that? What is the salinity at, what water to I put in, etc etc


First I would direct you to the posts by Beth that you can find in the Deseased and Treatment about setting up a Q-Tank, you should find all you need there.
If it is just a simple QT, then you are just setting up a bear bones FO-nano, just for observation, if it becomes necessary for hypo treatment then you will lower your salinity by following the procedure outlined in the posts by Beth or Terry.
What you need to read should be located at the top of this forum.