whats a good jawfish?


I was wondering if you guys help me find a good jawfish or gobie that will burrow in the sand and peek out. something with nice colors like a blue spotted jawfish but without the 100+ price tag. its going into 55 gal reef.


I would go with a pair of fire-fish gobys. Search and you will find some pictures. They are very pretty and not to expensive. I would go with two though since singly they hide a bit more.


Firefish do not burrow. I believe a yellow head jawfish is a good choice. I haven't kept one but I did do a bit of research on them.


Active Member
A tiger jawfish is really pretty, too. They sell here for about $35. They are big-time leapers, though. I used to have one till he jumped out of the tank:(
I have a pearly in a small tank by himself and a dusky (really cute fish) in my reef. Both are about the same, care-wise. Again, they leap, though...so cover your tank till they get settled in.


how about a yellow watchman gobi they dont burrow but they sift sand and hide in rock holes peeking there head out we have one it is alittle shy but it has a lot of personality it will take silversides off a feeding tube and any thing else that comes its way


I only paid $49 for my blue spot jaw @ the LFS. I couldn't pass up the deal. He's become my favorite fish by far.


Active Member
I think jaw fish are cute, but decided against one after I read that they require at least about 4 inches of a soft substrate, and tend to dig under your rocks and such. I love my bicolor blenny as he has a great personality and likes to stay in his favorite hole in the rock with his head always part way out to watch you and what ever else is going on. He also comes out and perches on the rocks, and will take all different kinds of food. Lesley


I have a Pink Spotted Shrimp Goby with beautiful corloring. It loves to sift the sank, so far its my favorite fish in the tank. I also plan on getting a yellowhead jawfish, when they are more in season..My lfs gets them but they don't look so great, he said they have a better variety in the summer months...If that makes any sense....