What's a good lighting setup for a 29g


I'm looking to make a new hood and am still trying to decide what kind of lighting to get. I want to run hard/soft corals/anenomies/mushrooms. I was thinking 2 or 3 65 watt power pc's. What do you think???

richard rendos

Active Member
175 watt MH 10K with 2 X 55 watt PC actinic. Looks great and you can keep almost any coral/anemone/clam you want in there.


I have 180 watts of vho in my 29 gallon. If I could do it over again I'd go for mh+vho or mh+pc combo. That way you'd get to keep almost anything. It costs more but well be worth it.


Active Member
I run a 250HQI setup on my tank, yes it's very bright but it looks great and the sps and clams really love it!
The heat really wasn't an issue with just one fan, however the bigger concern is the evaporation. I lose anywhere b/w 1/2 and one gallon a day, which in a 29 gallon tank can really mess with the salinity. I use a doing pump and it dose a great job.
Definatly go with a MH if you even think you want to keep sps or clams.

old hermit

i have 300 watts of vho on my 29 gal and i have some sps that are doing fine. im sure a mh would be better but it works. corals seem happy and it wasent too much $$.


Active Member
Old hermit is correct,
you can keep some SPS under VHO and I don't want to start that debate! But in general they fair better under MH lights.
wow, 300 watts of VHO, do you have any pics of you hood?


I just picked up a 25g IFS for my office and I have 2 X 65 PC. The tank width is 24" but I struggled to find something larger in wattage than what I have. Honestly though, I am not sure if MH or VHO would bake the acrylic (hood and tank) or not. Any creative suggestions for more lighting would be welcome.

old hermit

i dont have any pics of my hood right now. it is just 4, 24" light bulbs. VHO light bulbs wont bake the acrylic on your tank they run much cooler than a pc light. i liked the color the vho has compaired to pc.


Active Member
this is making me want to add a 175 watt MH to my 29, 2x65PC's 50/50
how much would that add to my energy consumption though?
what do they typically cost, and where? I suppose it causes more evap and a bit hotter surface temp....?