what's a good pump for a refugium


Active Member
I want to setup a refuguim tank under my existing tank for natural filteration. I want to grow chalerpa algae (my sailfina dn angel would eat it if it was placed in the tank) and keep the nitrates down. What size water pump do I need to pump the right amount of water from the main tank to the 10 gal refugium?

mr . salty

Active Member
First off,you really don't want to pump the water into the refugium.But rather use an overflow box to supply the water to it,then pump it out of the refugium,into the tank.A very small pump(75gph or less) should be used.


Active Member
Thanks Mr.SALTY, next question - what's an overflow box? I want to place my refugium tank under my existing tank like a sump system. how do iI keep the water flowing between the two tanks?