What's a good setup for catchin lake kokanee?


Hi, I know kinda a strange place for the question, but it's for fishin. I like to fish for kokanee from shore at a local lake that has 'em. I usually do a lure, or do power bait. What do you recommend when doing from shore. I'm not havin any luck lately, Thanks, ali


I've never tried from the bank. Here, (a bit South of you) from a boat we use wedding ring lures (pink or green) w/ford fenders, snubbers and, most importantly, a single kernal of white corn. Troll at between 1.5 & 2 mph. Let me know what works for you from shore, I'd be very interested.


Thanks for the reply. Ya, everyone tells me fishin from shore is not gonna get me anywhere, but I don't have a boat, and it's just sooo easy. I have caught a few, and MAN kokanees are huge. I heard the wedding ring setup is the only way to go, and this is the 3rd time I've heard about the white corn, so now, I'll try that. I don't know how it would work, but hey I'll give it a shot. This lake has a lot of them, and I just like goin to the park, and sittin on the pier. You see them swimin below ya all the time, and it's really neat to look down and see them. I love fishin, even if I don't catch anything. It's so great to just be out in nature. Thanks again, ali:happyfish


If you can get over them you might try jigging. That works well. You still need to use the white corn kernel. You can use just about any jig. I don't know what the deal is with the corn but I've tried going without anything, normal corn and corn bait and a single piece of white corn works. I get a can & split it into ziplock bags & freeze them. A can lasts a long time that way. Kokanee are small here, a large one being around a foot long. I think 15" is the biggest I've ever caught. Our limit is 25 per day, no minimum size.