whats a really good canister filter to get


Active Member
in was thinking of a fluvial? rated for 100 gallons.. i have a 70g tall, w/ live rock and penguin 330 bio wheel... i just want to add an out side filter to let this tank really do well..
is the install easy on the fluval thing?
what kind of maintenence is required for it?


i would strongly suggest against a canister filter. they aren't the easiest filters to maintain. they also tend to leak. i had a fluval 404. your best bet if your gonna spend 200 on a canister to just get a sump instead. or another hangon like the emperor.


I have a Rena XP3 (rated for 125g) and two Fluval's (304 and 404 for 70g and 100g).
Rena needs the media replaced more often than Fluval.
Both about every month, but the fluval has sponges that you can rinse, Rena recomends replaceing all media (exect ceramic rings and stuff) every month.
No leaks (yet), maintenance is not that bad, you just can't be lazy...
You can get any of these for under $100 from another web site (petsolutions).
Good luck......


Active Member
I agree with not getting a cannister filter, spend the money on a overflow and build yourself a sump. Cheaper and better in the long run.
Cannisters are a pain to clean.

salty tank

so what your saying is that if you have a sump you dont need a filter? I have a sump and i want to get a canister filter.


Active Member
wow, maybe i'll just add more live rock and get the emperor hangon, and get rid of the peguin biowheel hangon


Best canister filters are still the Eheim filters but they are very expensive. You can get a knockoff of the Eheim filters on that auction site made usually by Jebo in China. I've had two of them and they worked very well and cost a fraction of the cost of the ones made in Germany. For ease of use it's hard to beat the convenience of a hand on the back filter but I still think that the canister filters do a better job with less bypass effect than either a sump or HOB filter.


I agree with everyones post here.
I have bought 3 fluval 404's - all brand new. Used them for about 3 months and they started to leak, every one of them. They are crappy filters, will never buy one again.
On my 5 fresh water tanks, I run Eheim all the way. I find that the 2028 model is the best and easiest to use.
As for my saltwater tank and my reef tank, I use a sump, with foam and bio-balls and skimmer on my 90 gallon tank and a AquaC Remora skimmer on my 50 gallon reef tank. I tried once putting a canister filter on one of the salt water tanks and I think because of the salt content int he water, the filter foamed and bubbled some and lost the vacume pressure. Filter kept stopping, but it worked fine on my fresh water tank.
I believe in AquaC series skimmers for the saltwater tanks and Eheim for the freshwater.


Active Member
so i'll be ok w/ the knock off? are these easy to install?
thanx for all the info, i was so close to buying a fluval!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they swear by it at the lfs.. figures


Originally Posted by salty tank
so what your saying is that if you have a sump you dont need a filter? I have a sump and i want to get a canister filter.
why would you want a canister filter when you got a sump?