Whats better?


O.k. I just bought a protein skimmer now I found out about U.V. sterilizers ughhhh.. What is better to use a protein skimmer or U.v. Sterilizer? or are they both different from what they do.... I have a 90 gallon tank with 40 gall sump. is it possible to run both?


The protein skimmer takes poop out of the water. The UV light will kill free floating algae in the water.


yea, that is what i would do, and UV's also kill algae spores in the water, thus making it harder for algae to breed and keeping your tank algae free


they most likley could, but with a UV, it is a simple way to end the algae, there will be no fighting over shells or food, and if you want a cheap UV, go to petsmarts website, and they have a 24w one for about 50 bucks


No if you want a cheap UV go to lowes... In their pond section they have a 39 watt UV that is 50 bucks... And it looks exactly like some of the $150-$200 dollar ones...



Thanks for the tips on locations for lower-cost UV sterilizer's. If I remember correctly, there were threads on here debating the need/merit of running a UV device on a reef. Seems like there were two camps: "running one is great/kills algae" - and "running on is bad/kills beneficial microorganisms". What's the current thinking on this?
Also, isn't it a bit more complicated than simply plumbing one in? For example, wouldn't you need to correctly size the pump, or throttle the flow through the sterilizer, to achieve the correct contact time so the unit can kill the intended water-borne baddies?


who cares about the debate. its a personal choice, if you want less algae get it, but you can also live without it. i mean, just look around, there are many people(me) that have a reef tank with out one. and about the plumbing, on Petsmarts website, you can get a 24w one that is in tank, so it has a powerhead built in, so all you do is put it somewhere and plug in it. oh, and its 50dollars


NEMO_66 - Not trying to start an argument, just wondering what the current thinking is. Killing or reducing the potential for algae is great, but if there is merit in the statement that UV sterilizers remove beneficial microorganisms, then I would want to consider that as part of my decision whether or not to use one. Just trying to understand all aspects...
Take Care


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nemo_66
they most likley could, but with a UV, it is a simple way to end the algae, there will be no fighting over shells or food, and if you want a cheap UV, go to petsmarts website, and they have a 24w one for about 50 bucks
I don't get how it will prevent hermits fighting over shells? They will still be eating and growing and will still need to find a bigger home.


Active Member
from reading this, i don't think i'd want one. I know they also kill off pods, but if they kill off algae spores then i'd assume its also going to kill of coralline algae spores as well?


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
I don't get how it will prevent hermits fighting over shells? They will still be eating and growing and will still need to find a bigger home.
because they wont be eating as much maybe?


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
because they wont be eating as much maybe?
Still eating and still growing but maybe not as fast. I'm wondering how much of a clean up crew will even be needed or if you'd have to supplement them with nori or something. I don't think it kills all algae just free floating algae that makes it through the sterilizer. I personally don't want one either b/c the trade off of losing some good bacteria is not worth it for me. I do hear that it makes the water crystal clear but my water is very clear and can't imagine it being any more clear.