Whats Cheaper


What do you think is cheaper or what is cheaper but has same quality. 29gallon biocube $240 (cheapest i could find it). or a 30 gallon cube plain with all the stuff bought seperate?


Even with having to do a few little mods to the biocube, I think they are nicer looking. I'm a little prejudice since I have the 29g. But, I really like that everything is hidden. You might be able to do the tank only cheaper, but it would matter where you buy it at and if everything is available at the same spot without having to run all over town just to get the best price.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefernana
Even with having to do a few little mods to the biocube, I think they are nicer looking. I'm a little prejudice since I have the 29g. But, I really like that everything is hidden. You might be able to do the tank only cheaper, but it would matter where you buy it at and if everything is available at the same spot without having to run all over town just to get the best price.
yeah i like the way the biocubes and having things hidden, makes it look better. i have a 28 with cables running all over the place, looks like a mess
if you want cheap then itll probably be cheaper or better to just get the stuff on your own, like the tank, better lights, etc