what's everyone think


New Member
I currently have a 55g tank that is in the shape of a quarter circle (corner tank). 27 inches on one wall, 27 inches along other wall, 27 inch radius from those points. Anyway, as I am typing, it is set up as freshwater. Only thing I have to do is find a home for my 8 inch Oscar and decide on equipment so I can convert this one into marine. I plan on a FOWLR, but maybe adding mushroom coral or something hardy at about 10 mo. to one year.
What I was wondering is this: I have been doing a LOT of research for the last month and a half (every minute not at work or sleeping), and I have come to the conclusion that I will need:
Protein skimmer= aqua-c remora
Lighting= Current USA Orbit 30" 2 x 65 Watt Power Compact Strip Light W/2 Lunar Lights
Live rock= approximately 80-90 lbs. ?
Live sand= 4 inches approximately 50 lbs. ? (Aragalive)
Powerheads= 2-Aquarium Systems Maxi-Jet 1200 Power Head 295 G.P.H. Total of 590 G.P.H.
Canister filter= Eheim 2026 pro 2 (do I even need one with all of the live filtration) (maybe for extra flow and occasionally carbon?)
I already have one0 watt heater, 140 gal mix of Instant Ocean Salt mix, a thermometer, and tow Whisper 20-40 hob filters.
I assume that the Whispers would be a pain for saltwater?
what else do I need or maybee change?
Replies would be very appreciated. Thank You!


Where in South Dakota do you live, I grew up in Rapid City.
Your list looks good, IMO only change needed is that you don't need the canister filter with the live rock.


New Member
I'm from Mitchell, SD. That's cool that you grew up in Rapid.
Do I need to do anything about mechanical filtration even though I will have that much LR?


I think you should be fine for mechanical filtration, but you will want to run carbon from time to time to make the water crystal clear. I believe you can just use a whisper filter, nothing to expensive.
Just my 2 cents. I'm new to this hobby also.