whats formula for fish per gallon


Active Member
Well wish I had good news for you, but there really is no rule for inches per gallon, it all depends on your tank and what type of fish. For instance let's go with the ever popular tangs. Even though they only get to be 6 inches long, they really need a tank that is about 6 feet long for swimmng room. Then if you go with aggressive fish I belive you cannot keep as many as regular fish because they are messy eaters, but I could be wrong on that. But it really depends on how much LR you have, do you have sand or CC, do you have a sump....... It all depends on how much bio load your tank can handle.


Active Member
1" per five gallons is a good rule of thumb for fish. Base that on the size the fish will be as an adult, not the size it is now (if it's a juvenile).
The rules are different for inverts and corals.


Active Member
29 gallo ntank
• Live Rock- 50 lbs
• Live Sand- 37 lbs
1 Percula Clownfish
Flame Angel
Lawnmower Blenny
Blood red shrimp
Sand Snail
Florida Condi Anemone
Feather Duster
pom pom crab
• x2 Secoundnature Whisper Filters
• Rena Cal Top light Excel 100 w heater
• Power Head
• Lifeguard Ultra Violet Sterilizer model QL-8
• Fluval 104
My Lighting is:
Coralife 30 Inch Aqualight With 2-65W 50/50 Lamps Straight Pin Base (with fans)
Aqualight Deluxe Series - Double Linear Strip
i want one more clown and something else


Active Member
I'd say add the second clown and stop there. One caveat: make sure the new clown is smaller than your first one, or they might get into a bit of a tiff.


well that would be 4 fish in a 29........ and the angle and the clown can get bigger than 3 in..... i think it would be ova stocked