whats going on in my tank??


sorry for stupid questions but i am new to the hobby and am trying to learn fast. ive been cycling my 65 gal. tank for two weeks and now i am starting to notice some redish brown growing on my rock and on my crushed coral. also a couple of small grasslike areas are poping up on the crushed coral is this something i need to correct or is this typical in a new tank???? please help thank you
:notsure: :notsure: Welcome to the world of aquariums, and the world of endless maintanance. Did you use RO/DI water? What and how many fish do you have in the tank. What are your AM and Nit readings? PH? Salinity? Give us some info so we can point you in the right direction. :notsure: :notsure:


I wouldn't worry about the algae....I am sure it is just diatom bloom....typical for the first cycling process......It should go away in a short time.....add a clean up crew to help speed it up if you haven't already.....


yup just a diatom bloom....normal to new tanks...ugly i know but should not be a problem...try keeping the lights off for a few days...unless you have corals...but i doubt you do in a new tank.