whats going on in my tank???

Ok so my tank has looked pretty "dead" the past day, there is hella algae on the windows, all the coral is really sucked in, my brain coral had my decorator crab just chillin on it for like a day, I didn't want to disturb "nature" so I left him be, well this morning I went to move the crab cuz I was tired of him being there and his corpse stuck to my net, he was like all sticky, he also spun a web? ALL over my brain coral, my brain coral is really sucked in and its covered in net... the other possiblity is I had a haitain anemone go missing, and I just discovered him in the rocks BEHIND my brain coral.. so its possible that the haitain stung the brain along the way...... :(
yeah I took it off of him, it looked like "purge" I am going to do a water test tomorrow and I need to do a 10% water change.. the coral seems to still be alive because he was soft and responsive when I touched him... I dunno my tank was so beautiful 2 days ago, now it looks terrible. :(