What's going on w/ my Flame Angel?


My Flame Angel had a pretty bad case of ick that I've been treating w/ Cupramine in a hospital tank for about 10 days. The problem is that the ich seems to have gone away but now his color looks pretty dull and almost splotchy around his head. I had been doing 25-40% water changes avery other day but when I checked my parameters the ammo was high at .50. Since then I've done 2 50% water changes 2 days in a row and I still can't seem to get the ammo down. So I can't tell if his bad color is due to the copper or the ammo or both or even a secondary bacterial infection. I have a sponge filter that I tried to seed w/ bacteria from the main tank but obviously it doesn't have enough on it to make a difference. I've been really careful not to over feed him and even put the food in one piece at a time to make sure he eats it all. If not I take it right out. I am thouroughly confused at this point and not sure what to do. :confused: Should I put him back in the main tank? I know it's a little soon but I'm worried that being in the hospital tank w/ the high ammo will kill him. Although other than his color he doesn't seem to be breathing fast or showing any other signs of distress. Please please help :( . Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
On a little side note I have a UV Sterilizer on order and I was hoping to have it up and running before I put the angel back in the tank. But it still hasn't arrived. :mad:


Well,that is a rough situation.But if I were you,I would put acclimate him back into the main tank.The reason I say that is because with that high of an ammonia level,that will kill him before the ick does.That uv steralizer is a good idea.I would also suggest until you get it,get some greenex to use as a prevention.Some people don't care for as with anything,but I had an ick outbreak,and after it was taken care of,I have been using it and I haven't had any problems.HTH


I think it's because he is stressed out by many factors. It may be the copper, water changes, or like gobylover said, the ammonia. I would put him back into the main tank if there are no other fish in there. The ick might still be on him and if you have other fish or if the ick is still in main tank, all your efforts just became futile. It's your call, although, I think when the fish gets that white in most cases, it might not make it. :(

c marlowe

Drop the pH to 7.5 with a CO2 adjustment. This will turn the ammonia into non toxic ammonium. Does he have bulging eyes or rapid breathing? Also, any black spots?
[ June 22, 2001: Message edited by: C Marlowe ]

c marlowe

BTW just because fish eat all of the food given doesn't mean you aren't over feeding. The food is just turned into more waste than the tank can handle sometimes. The food, even if eaten, doesn't just disappear.


I still don't think that the angel should be kept in there.Flames are some what of a delicate fish and by changing the quality of the water,which is already looking like a problem,its going to cause more problems.c2rn,what are the other tankmates of your main tank?If there are still fish in there,the ick has a host and it will not matter if the flame goes back in.Like I said,the ammonia will kill it faster than the ick.There is always dipping for immediate relief.Theres none for the ammonia.


Active Member
Keep doing partial water changes and adjusting your copper level everyday. If you return him to the tank and he has another break out then you will be back in the same boat anyway. Dont count on a u/v to solve your problems.