whats going on


New Member
i had 20 little hermit crabs that have disappaered. both my scallopes are dead. my coral banded shrimp lost a claw it grew back then it lost both claws and its legs and antenna. it lived or about 2 weeks then disappeared. all thats left are some rock anemones a purple tip anemone some snails a brittle star and my fish clown and 3 damsels. and lots of bristtle worms


+1 on the mantis

Look for the pile of shells split in half near the bottom of the tank, his hole will be there near there. either in a rock or in the sand. I got 1 on a live rock that cycled with the tank. He will kill everything and anything he can get his hands on. Lisen at night for a Clicking Noise in the tank. Go to LFS or order a trap for him. Only active at night and don't try to grab him if you see him they +CAN AND WILL HURT+ you also.
If you manage to find a rock he is in remove the rock place it in a bowl or sink and use a turky baster to spray fresh water in the hole he will come shooting out, Or die in the hole.

Here is a trap link
