Whats good LR and LS for a 55 gallon?


Active Member
There's not really different brands...The sand comes from the ocean and so does the rock. The only different is the origins of the different LR.


First question is how deep do you want your sandbed, this site has a nice sand depth calculator?
2nd ? are you just doing fish or corals, or both, or what?
3rd ? what kind of filtration are you having?


I have a stand for a 55 that I am selling and with the purchase of the stand I am giving a 55 gallon aquarium with it, so if you buy that tank and are interested in the stand let me know.


Active Member
I'd say 60 Lbs of LS, fpor a DSB, but you could do 40 too. 70 lbs of LR to be complete, but you could get by with 35 too.


Tank is free with purchase of stand. The tank does not leak, but needs a new top, and has tons of coraline on the back, and does not match stand. I would replace the top for someone if they wanted but them I would charge for the tank and not give it away. The tops are around 30bucks. I just took it down 8 days ago to set up my 120.


Don't really know what these goes for as I'm new. Would the 50 range be good or as that a lowball offer?Also what is coraline.


Coraline is a Calified Algae(Good algae) it is what gives the LR its color, mostly pinkish purpleish, I have purple pinkish, Dark redish, and greenish! I would take $50.00. The deal is you would have to pick it up, or if it isnt too far I would meet you half way but for gas fee. Where do you live?


Active Member
Originally Posted by IlikeEels
Oh sorry I meant how much lr and ls.

in my 55 i have 80 lbs of LR and 50 lbs of LS ...


Active Member
1 to 2 lbs per tank gallon-size for the LR (adjust to taste) and depth and type of SB depends on many things.
I have 100+ pounds LR in my 55 (I really like the coverage it gives the tank back).
Sand bed is 2.5 to 3". I keep seahorses, so chose the finest grain sand. If you plan on sand sifting or burrowing fish, you'll need to take that into consideration.