Whats happening to my acan!!?? Lost 4 heads!!!


Few days ago I noticed holes in all 4 heads right smack in the middle of it...Then I wake up yest morning and all 4 heads were gone. All I saw was the skeleton and the flesh on skeleton...Any advice of whats going on?? Could it be an infection? Will it spread to the 3 heads that are left? Heres a pic of it
Would revive dip work?
This picture was from yest ...as you can see 3 heads gone


Did you get a test kit yet?
What's the stop list in your tank?
Try moving it, I don't think something is eating it, but moving it might make it a little happier.


No test kit but did get my water tested at a lfs and they did liquid test..
Alk-forgot what he said but he said its real good
Calcium-340 (I know this is low but bought some vital reef dna and kent calcium)
Heard that acans may get infections that eat the tissue...
And I had it on sand before and moved it on a flat rock..but its still away from lights..my tanks 23" tall and light is 8" away from tank and I'm runnin 1 150 mh and 4 ef watt t5s...that shouldn't be the problem


Usually an infection will show itself on an acan by having a red/pink tint on the skeleton where the tissue is gone.
Have you looked into the interceptor dip that I mentioned in your other thread about your acan, at all? Some people swear that it helps. There's a big thread about it on MichiganReefers. http://www.michiganreefers.com/forum...receeding.html
I need to know the alk #, not just "The LFS store said it was really good." 11 Can be really good, but bad for an acan. Also, your calcium is on the lower end, so the alkalinity number is even more important in this instance. Which is what people were trying to tell you in your last thread as well. Did you not like the answers you were getting? %% (Not trying to be mean, but you started a new thread, so I'm curious)
What is your stock list in this tank? Inverts and fish


IMO I think something is picking at it when the lights are out. Its a whole new tank when the lights are out as things come out that usually dont when the lights are on.


well we dipped it in revive yest...Woke up this am and 2 more heads are almost gone...seems as if it started on the left side working to the right side...So I def think its an infection...talked to the guy I bought it from and he said peppermint shrimp are notorious in stressing out acans and I caught my shrimp digging at the acan...And that is why the shrimp are R.I.P
He told me that if this acan dies he'll sell me a colony of like 30-40 heads for $50....


Active Member
thats being eaten, coral dosen't die off at that rate. Even if your parameters were off it would close up then die off not just "disappear"


ya all the acans are gone but when I got home I saw the emerald crab like an inch away and as soon as he saw me he bailed!! Well after I saw that BYE BYE Crabbie!!! Got both crabs out but unfort the acans are gone

But i did get my alk test and its 8.6


Originally Posted by ashley84
ya all the acans are gone but when I got home I saw the emerald crab like an inch away and as soon as he saw me he bailed!! Well after I saw that BYE BYE Crabbie!!! Got both crabs out but unfort the acans are gone

But i did get my alk test and its 8.6

UGH, darn emerald crabs! I almost never have luck with those little monsters!
Your alk is a little low. Keep an eye on it, if water changes don't correct the issue, you may need an alk buffer (most people do)