Whats in your Fuge



55 gallon fuge:
Chaetomorphia macro algea.
Some baserock
a few hermit crabs
a few various snails
about a 4.5-5 inch DSB
80 watts of NO lighting using the URI AquaD lights.
Lots of bristle worms and pods.


Active Member
Thanx Thomas, im going to be switching my wet/dry over to a Fuge soon, and i was needing to know what i should put in it. Thanx again. I think you did the same thing didnt you??? Todd


Active Member
Hey Thomas, why Under my name does it say Registerd user, it used to have some Fish name under it like yours says SHark?????? Todd


Well the wet/dry is still there, just minus the bio balls, therefore its just a sump. In my case I was able to leave the sump and just have the 55 gravity fed and gravity return into the sump. I only use a small pump to keep water going into the fuge, I have a pretty good syphon going into it that seems to give it enough water flow.


10 gallon tank:
hermit crabs
5lb of LR
20lb of LS
grape calerpa
10 red mangroves
fern plant?


4 inch sand bed 20+lbs LR, hermits, lots of stomatilla snails, bristle worms and a massive wad of cheato that I have to cull handfulls out every 2-3 weeks, 2x 18w PC that runs opposite of the MH=16hrs. And some of the biggest amphipods I have seen. Not to mention all of the pods that are breeding like a pack of rats with the run of the town! Get er done!! Great for your tank!


Active Member
Well blemmy my fuge is in its infancy thats why your helping me lol.
I have roughly a 1inch bed of sugar sand (might try to add more if I dont stir the bed up to bad). Lots of pieces of live rock and some cheato. I dont have a whole lot in there as my fuge is a penguine 330 with some renovation lol. I run a very old aquarium light that uses standar bulbs from wally world about 6inches long or so total run revers to my daylights.


Active Member
I’ve kept my fuge really simple. I have a huge ball of Chaeto, 5 inch sandbed, lots of rubble and 20lbs of live rock. As for critter, I have pods, Mysis, bristle worms, snails and ton of feather dusters along with microplankton. For lighting I run 130watts of PC.