whats on my clown?


I just recieved a clown from SWF and i properly acclimated him and he is swimming around beautifully. The thing is he has these two spots on his tail (clearish white), it's not ich...seen that before or lymph. it is not inflamed...it's just kind of a circular discoloration. what could this be. wish i had a pic but i don't. Water parameters are perfect. whats wrong with my new baby?


OK. Instead of a circular spot, it has turned into just a translucent discoloration of his tail fin. What could this be?


Staff member
I would not worry about that it this point. Most fish carry viral infections, just as humans do. Keep an eye out. In the meantime, feed the fish foods soaked in freshly minced garlic for 2 weeks, and if all is well, then switch to foods soaked in zoecon for 2 weeks.


Could be the start of tailrot. The same thinh happened to my true percs. In addition to soaking the food in garlic, get some extreme garlic (kent marine). This stuff is great!! It cures/prevents, ick, tailrot, popeye. It does not cure all diseases, but it mainly prevents them from coming back.